Albany, NY - New York State is offering rebates to people who buy Energy Star appliances. The program began last Friday, and is part of a $300 million federal effort to save energy and stimulate the economy, but economists doubt that such a plan could work. Altogether the state is handing out $16.8 million.
The program lasts 10 days. It ends Februrary 21, and New York State can cover 170,000 rebates statewide. If there's enough money left, the state will have another appliance rebate week in March.
Most states haven't started their rebate programs yet, but at least one has already run out of money. Kansas had to stop accepting applications at the end of January.
Don Dutkowsky, an economist at Syracuse University, told The Post Standard he thought the program would be a good way to bring in money, but the benefit would only be short-term, and was not a solution for a long term recovery policy.
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